Comfort, Food & Wood
Domaine de Boisbuchet
The participants of the workshop worked as a team to create a unique experience under the theme „Comfort, Food & Wood”. The objective was to scout, research and analyse an entirely new location that would become the new landmark on the map of the Domaine de Boisbuchet, and to create a unique sense of place at the site. Integrating the space, crafting dedicated elements and objects, the specially developed site specific ritual around food could become a part of the summer workshops’ routine. The result is a round wooden platform submerged in the grass of the beautiful meadow, not appreciated before. The centre point of the platform is a huge bowl integrated into a table top, carved in a log of oak wood. Through a thorough ongoing botanical and culinary research, the team created the delicious „Boisbuchet Summer Salad” using only ingredients growing wild around the Domaine’s area. The beautiful views can be appreciated by sitting comfortably with feet on the ground, and mixing the common salad with special wooden utensils. During the research, development through to the production phase, the participants learned about the resourceful design process, while gaining conceptual, as well as carpentry and wood-curving skills.